1922 – 2001
Christiaan Barnard was a multi-faceted being who aroused respect and admiration as well as controversy and sometimes, profound dislike.
He fulfilled many roles including those of the world’s best-known surgeon, an innovative researcher, a dedicated care-giver, an ambassador for his country, a writer, a businessman as well as a husband and a father.
Although he had tremendous success in his career, Chris Barnard had quite a turbulent personal life. From leaving his first wife, Louwtjie, for a much younger woman, to coaching and fostering a world champion water skier Deirde, it’s very clear to say that Chris’s personal life was anything but boring. Read more about his family life here.
The one common thread, however, which ran through Barnard’s many pursuits, was a considerable drive and focus which enabled him to slake his thirst for achievement, a thirst which earned him an indelible position in the annals of medical history. Read the full Christiaan Barnard Biography here.